Saturday, August 4, 2012

Water safety Tips

#1. Water safety Tips

Water safety Tips

A day on the water can be a lot of fun, especially during hot summer days, but it's foremost that you keep yourself, your house and your friends safe. Either you're playing in a backyard pool or on the open water of a lake or ocean, here are the top five water safety tips to keep in mind:

Water safety Tips

1) Learn to Swim! Even if you aren't planning on being an Olympic swimmer, knowing how to swim is one of the first steps towards staying safe on the water. The more comfortable you are in the water, the more comfortable you'll be colse to water. Regardless of Either or not you intend to do any swimming, knowing how to swim can keep you safe in the event that you end up in the water. Kids should take swimming classes from a young age, even if your house doesn't live near any bodies of water. You can experience your local swimming pool or the Red Cross for facts on swimming classes.

2) Know Where You're Swimming. If you're swimming outdoors in a pond, lake, river, or ocean, you should know what you're getting yourself into. Some natural bodies of water may contain bacteria or pollutants that may be harmful. Others are home to wildlife, from sharks to leaches, that may ruin your fun. Know the currents - an undertow or strong river current can be a dangerous even for experienced swimmers. Always be aware of the depth of the water. Diving into shallow water creates a risk of physical injury.

3) Use safety Devices. For younger and more inexperienced swimmers, life vests, water wings and other flotation devices can add safety and safety to any time spent on or near the water. If you are boating make sure that you have adequate flotation devices for everyone - both adults and children - who are on the boat. The Us Coast Guard has definite requirements for flotation devices. Think you're free from the need for safety devices because you're in a pool? Think again! Lifeguard rings and flotation devices are also vital for those with a backyard pool. So are swimming pool alarms, which alert you to anything who's jumped or fallen into the pool.

4) Avoid Alcohol. In the Us, the legal blood alcohol article for any someone operating a boat is the same as operating a car - and for good reason. If you're going to be on the water (either boating or swimming) try to resist the temptation to drink. Alcohol impairs judgment and coordination and may make you unable to deal with accident situations.

5) Learn Basic First Aid. This is a good general rule of thumb for almost any situation. Regardless of where you are, if you're near water, knowing Cpr may come in handy. Likewise, you should know how to treat shock, dehydration and hypothermia. If someone takes an unintentional plunge into cold water, knowing what to do could end up saving their life. If you are colse to water - or anywhere outdoors - having a basic first aid kit, to treat cuts and scrapes, insect bites, and more serious injuries is vital to holding your house and friends safe this summer.

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