Saturday, June 23, 2012

Disaster Nursing

Cpr Classes - Disaster Nursing
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Do you know about - Disaster Nursing

Cpr Classes! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

In these troubled times in which we live, there exists a constant threat of disaster. Either the disaster is man made, such as war or terrorism, or from nature, nursing has all the time been at the forefront. In the past, nurses were on the battlefield dressing the soldier's wounds and giving emotional withhold to those whose time was at hand.

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How is Disaster Nursing

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Cpr Classes.

Formally, the occupation of nursing began with Florence Nightingale during the Crimean war. Even prior to that time there were those caring individuals who were first responders to disaster situations. Now more than ever, there is a need for nurses to come to be educated in the field of disaster nursing. The destruction unleashed by Hurricane Katrina tested the immediate response and mobilization of many doctors and nurses, as well as the merit of government response, to which in the final determination the general consensus was one of "we could have done better."

In spite of the many critics that abounded after the destruction, there stood those individuals who shined so brightly with their selflessness and compassion. These are nurses and doctors working around the clock in unsanitary conditions not unlike a battlefield hundreds of years ago.

One has to ask, "How is this inherent in today's world, with all of the state of the art technology that abounds in rehabilitation and communications." And yet, there it was in black and white, citizen were dying from lack of medical supplies and unsanitary conditions. The brave and caring souls who stood by and could perhaps only hold a hand, give a comforting touch, and say some kind word to someone who was taking their few last breaths were the ones that made the difference. Here was a case of disaster nursing like no other. These are men and women who stayed behind to care for the sick and dying, not knowing when or if any supplies would arrive.

In classes that are now taught currently in nursing schools on disaster nursing, the pervading theme for every new nurse to remember is to treat the walking wounded first. One would not think that this should be the case when someone is dying from blood loss or is badly wounded. Shouldn't those who are so badly wounded be treated first? The experienced nursing teacher will nod her head and ask the student, "O.K., what happens when you exhaust all of your blood supplies on a inpatient that perhaps won't last a few hours? What will you do when a inpatient who needs only minor care and does not get it due to your time expended on someone who is dying, goes into complications that could have been prevented? Now what kind of situation do you have?" The student nurse will not know what to reply. However the nursing teacher will reply the following, "Treat your walking wounded first. They will be your help."

This statement may seem harsh at best. It is However the rule of the disaster scenario. There will be those that you cannot help, and that is a fact. Therefore, you must treat those that can be of help to the nurse. Once you have treated these people, they can then trek, to effect your instructions. They will be the ones to give Cpr, wrap tourniquets and do anyone it is that the nurse thinks that they can handle. How many of us can as a matter of fact dream a situation like this? The nurses who assisted the wounded during Hurricane Katrina lived it day after day.

No one knows where or when a disaster may occur. We are constantly being bombarded by the news informing us of elevated terror threats using colors. The fact is that most citizen are never prepared for a disaster. This does not mean that we should not try. This is the reckon for teaching disaster nursing in nursing schools. Nurses have to learn about how to be a leader, how to mobilize teams, and establish people. Not a small task. This is why that nurses should constantly update their knowledge.

With the advent of new types of biological and chemical warfare, scenarios such as Hurricane Katrina could pale in comparison. First of all, every nurse should register themselves with a local urgency response team in their area. Secondly, every nurse should begin to read and gain assorted continuing schooling credits in the field of disaster nursing. Hopefully they will never have to use their new found knowledge. However, if the time were to arrive that their nursing caress was required, then they would have some idea what to do. For it is their decision development and leadership skills that will facilitate recovery the most people, and it is very inherent that they will be alone in development such decisions.

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