Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How To Bring 100 New Members To Your Church Every Year!

Cpr Class - How To Bring 100 New Members To Your Church Every Year!
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Cpr Class! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Find that special gift God has purpose for in your life, and use it as a bridge to bring others to Christ. You can truly bring 100 new members to your church every year!

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How is How To Bring 100 New Members To Your Church Every Year!

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Cpr Class.

I find that often Christians want to serve, but the opportunities in their Church are few, they don't have the knowledge or skills, or they don't know God's purpose for their life. Pastors are usually so busy, that many of them don't have time to supervise a single ministry. And often aren't sure who would suited to head one. They may be reluctant to delegate responsibilities to others, because of the pressure as leader of their church to claim a pure spiritual doctrine.

Most Christians, even those that reconsider themselves active, lead only a few population to Christ every year. That's because they only discover to a few each year. The retired, have limited taste with population surface the church. The rest, have taste with a small group they work with, and find it awkward to discover to them.

However we can be evangelist for and straight through our church, or as an individual, via the internet.

Would you like to be a missionary? The definition of a missionary is, "one who goes forth as a representative of God, teaching a message with a view to manufacture converts". When you think about it, that's God's purpose for every Christian. The challenge is to conclude what gifts He's given you to achieve that.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to just go out and tell thousands about the Gospel, and see hundreds of souls saved? better still, why not do it from your home?

The internet provides us a method that allows us to build a bridge that brings the un-churched into the local church, straight through the amelioration of "Bridge Sites". The Bridge Site Strategy is grounded in the idea of looking tasteless ground as a method of relating better to those who don't know the Lord. And we can do it from the comfort of our homes.

Common interest, hobbies, life situations, work experiences, health conditions, causes, etc., can be used as the "Bridge" to enter their world. A bridge presents opportunities to invent friendships and dialogue, which moderately brings them into your church community.

Because a blog is informal and personal, it can originate a feeling of personal relationship between users and the writer - this is called a sense of community. "People are interested in people."

God has given each one of us, one or more gifts that can be used as a bridge to bring others to church first, and then to Christ. It is what we call a niche, something we love to do, and comes natural for us. We often think of those gifts as something God has blessed us with, to bring us joy and delight to our lives. While this is true, those gifts were also given to us to serve as a bridge to bring others into the church, and to Him. How much easier would it be to invent a amiable relationship with someone, and moderately bring them into your circle, than to door knock, or approach strangers in collective places. Most unchurched population aren't looking for someone to discover to them. But they will feel comfortable sharing an activity with you that you both love.

Here's an example:

Bob loved woodcarving, though he determined himself to be an amateur. He decided to start a local blog site to share what he knew and to ask others to share their knowledge with him. He solicited others to write articles for his blog sharing their information. Everyone had a suggestion, where to purchase tools, best wood to use, and their beloved techniques.

It wasn't long before Bob's blog was buzzing with activity. He decided to invite his new internet friends to join in a woodcarving session, to be hosted at his Church's activity building, and offered a beginners woodcarving class. This brought his bloggers in taste with members of his Church in a relaxed and amiable atmosphere. Each session was opened in prayer, but church members were cautioned not to be preachy, but could invite visitors to church as personal relationships grew.

After eight weeks of carving their best, projects were displayed and trophies were given in any categories. As the "Woodcarving Ministry" membership grew, the more expert carvers (Christians) assisted the amateurs, and great friendships were born.

As the "new woodcarvers" grew personal relationships with the church members, new members are added to the church. And they invited others to both the "Woodcarving Ministry" and to Church.

Some of the new additions to the Church were the unchurched, but others were population that had fallen from Church and returned straight through this ministry.

A ministry such as this could truly bring ten new members each month. That is one hundred twenty new members per year. And you would be having the time of your life.

Can you dream the buzz a Church would receive if twenty such ministries were gift in a church?

Each bridge ministry could truly bring 100 new members to your church each year. Do the math.

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