Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Meridians - someone else Way of comprehension the Body

#1. The Meridians - someone else Way of comprehension the Body

The Meridians - someone else Way of comprehension the Body

The meridians are other way of seeing at the body or other way of insight it. When working with our muscles we can talk about stretching them or strengthening them. We can use a similar terminology with respect to the meridians. We can stretch them or energize them.

The Meridians - someone else Way of comprehension the Body

In general when we stretch our muscles we stretch the meridians that lay along those muscles. When we progress or covenant muscles we energize the meridians that lay along those muscles. So stretching muscle tissue is the same as stretching meridians while activating muscle tissue is the same as energizing the meridians within that muscle.

If the terminology is almost the same what inherent advantage could insight the meridians give us?

Well, one thing about the meridians is that they run over many joints, in some cases from the top of the head to the bottoms of the feet. Stretching a meridian doesn't involve just one muscle but many and thus when stretching a meridian we can work at stretching the entire distance of the body or work at energizing the entire distance of the body. We can also stretch and progress combinations of meridians.

For example we could stretch the stomach meridian by stretching the front of the neck, ribcage, abs, hips, and ankle. We could energize it by strengthening along this entire line whether section by section or all at once. Since the small intestine meridian, which runs up the back of the arm and neck, connects to the stomach meridian, we can look for a way to stretch the stomach meridian and small intestine meridian at the same time (perhaps pulling the arm over the chest while doing a lunge.)

Another Means of Understanding

Understanding the meridians give us other way of seeing at the body and how we stretch and energize it. They give us other way of insight the body. We can use this insight of the meridians to work towards a balanced yoga practice. (We can do the same when focusing on muscles or joints.) We can custom with the intent of stretching all of the meridians and energizing them all so that the corollary is a balanced body. We could also learn all of the muscles of the body and do a yoga custom with the intent of stretching and strengthening them all and the corollary is a balanced yoga practice.

The meridians may be easier for some habitancy to see or visualize since they run in nice quarterly lines up and down the body. In addition they give other context for sequencing the way we stretch the body (and energize it.) They form a circuit and insight this circuit at even a basic level we can use that insight to guide the way we structure a class. This insight can also be used to focus the purpose of a class.

Even if we haven't got time to stretch or progress the whole body, or if we are focused on a single action, back bending perhaps, then the meridians offer an insight that allows us to focus on our area of interest while balancing the body at the same time by countering or balancing the affects of what we have focused on.

Meridians, Connective Tissue and Balance

Where are the meridians nothing else but located? More than likely in the connective tissue of our body. (Meridians Connect....) That includes the connective tissue within our muscles as well as the connective tissue that connects muscles to bone, bone to bone, organs to each other and to the structure that supports them.

Relaxing a muscle and lengthening it we stretch the connective tissue (and thus the meridians) that lay within that connective tissue. This tissue has some elasticity so that muscle tissue resumes its shape when released.

Activating muscle tissue we work on the connective tissue in a dissimilar way. We focus tension on the tendons, the connective tissue that connects muscle to bone. We can call this "energizing" the meridians that lay within that muscle tissue. This connective tissue is more than likely inelastic.

A balanced custom would contain working on the connective tissue within a muscle by stretching it and working on the connective tissue that binds muscle to bone by activating muscle.

Tension and Change

What do the meridians transmit? They send vigor or facts in the form of tension or changes in tension. It is nothing else but something that we can sense, tension in our body. It is also something that we can learn to control.

Meridians may also send some form of electricity or charge. This fee may be generated by contracting muscle tissue and then releasing it. It may also be generated by stretching or releasing connective tissue. This assumes that the connective tissue or portions of it are "piezo-electric," that it produces a convert in electric inherent when whether its shape is changed or the tension over it is changed. In whether case, the "charge" model may acount for the "buzzing" feeling that we get after stretching or strengthening connective tissue and muscle tissue.

Following the Flow

One of the ways in which we can use the meridians to guide the sequencing of stretches is to corollary the flow of the meridians. We can stretch our muscles while following or chasing the flow of the meridians and we can do the same while energizing them.

In general the meridians flow down the front of the arms and up the back of the arms and up the neck. From there they tour down the front sides and back of the neck, body and legs. They then tour up the inner legs, up the front of the torso from where they associate to the front of the arms.

One way of learning the flow of the meridians is to learn how the meridians physically relate. So now we'll look at the meridians that run up and down the arms and then we'll look at the meridians that run up and down the body and legs. Then we might have a best basis for learning to understand the flow of the meridians from one to the other throughout the entire body.

The Arm Meridians

There are three meridians which flow down the front of the arms and three that flow up the back of the arms and then up the neck. (You can click on the meridian diagrams for a blow up version.)

These meridians each run in three almost parallel lines. We can refer to these three lines on both the front and back of the arms as the outer, inner and middle lines.

The three meridians which run down the front of the arms are the lung, heart and pericardium.

The three meridians which run up the back of the arms are the large intestine, small intestine and triple heater.

The lung connects to the large intestine meridian. They run along the outer line of the front and back of the arm. The heart connects to the small intestine meridian. They both run along the inner line of the front and back of the arms.

The pericardium connects to the triple heater meridian. These run up the center line of the front and back of each arm.


The lung and large intestine meridian are both linked with the metal element hence the color white.

The lung meridian flows down outer line of the front of the arm. It connects to the large intestine meridian at the index finger.

The large intestine meridian runs from there up the outer line of the back of the arm and up the neck to the jaw bone. It cross the lower part of the cheek and passes under the nose to the other side of the face. This parallels the large intestine itself which crosses from one side of the body to the other.


The heart and small intestine meridians are both linked with fire hence the color red. The Heart meridian runs down the inside line of the front of the arm to the itsybitsy finger. From there it connects to the small intestine which runs up the inner line of the back of the arm. It runs over the shoulder blade, up the neck, angles over the cheek to the outer angle of the eye and from there back to a point in front of the ear hole.

Note that since all the meridians that run up the back of the arm also run up the neck, we can couple neck stretches with back of the arm stretches to stretch this meridian more efficiently. (We could also do back of the wrist stretches at the same time.)


Neither the pericardium nor the triple heater are linked with any element hence the color black.

The pericardium flows down the front of the arm along the middle line (between the lung and the heart meridians) while the triple heater flows up the middle line of the back of the arm. From there it moves up the neck behind the ear, and circles nearby the ear to a point just in front of the ear hole.

Stretching the Arm Meridians

Stretching the front of the arm, shoulder and wrists opens the heart, lung and pericardium. Stretching the back of the arms and the neck opens the large and small intestine and triple heater.

Body and Leg Meridians

The meridians that run up the back of the arm associate to the meridians that run down the body and legs.

The large intestine meridian connects to the stomach meridian which runs down the front of the body and legs. The heart meridian connects to the bladder meridian which runs down the back of the body and legs. The triple heater meridian connects to the gall bladder meridian which runs down the side of the body and legs.


The large intestine meridian crosses from one side of the face to the other. It connects to the stomach meridian. The stomach meridian runs down the neck, down the front of the body and down the front of the legs to the second toe.

It connects to the spleen meridian which runs up the front line of the inner thigh and up the front of the body outside the line of the stomach meridian.

Both of these meridians are linked with the earth element which is linked with the color yellow.


The small intestine meridian runs up the neck, over the face to the outer angle of the eye (and then to a point in front of the ear.) It is in the region of the eye that it connects to the bladder meridian. The bladder meridian runs from the inner eye up over the head and down the back of the body and legs and along the outside of each foot. It connects to the Kidney Meridian there.

The Kidney meridian runs up the back line of the inner thigh, up the front of the body close to the center line to the shoulders.

The bladder and kidney meridian are both linked with water.


The triple heater meridian runs up the neck and behind the ear and the drops down infront of the ear. From there it connects to the gall bladder meridian.

The gall bladder meridian zigzags along the side of the head before dropping down in front of the shoulder and passing down the side of the body and legs to the feet.

At the feet it connects to the liver meridian which runs up the middle line of the inner thigh and up the front of the body to the shoulders.

Both of these meridians are linked with the element of wood hence the green color.

The Flow of the Meridians

The usual beginning point for describing flow of the meridians is to start with the lung meridian (white, outer edge along the front of the arms.) The lung meridian connects the large intestine (White, along the outer edge back of the arms.)

The large intestine connects to the stomach (down the front of the body) which then connects at the feet to the spleen (up the front edge of the inner thigh.)

The spleen connects to the heart which like the lung meridian also lays along the front of the arm but along the inside edge. It connects to the small intestine meridian which runs up the inside edge of the back of the arms.

The small intestine connects at the eyes to the bladder meridian (down the back of the body.) It connects at the feet to the kidney meridian (up the back line of the inner thigh and the front of the body.)

The kidney connects at the shoulders to the pericardium (the mid-line of the front of the arm) which connects at the hands to the triple heater (the mid-line of the back of the arm.)

The triple heater connects to the gall bladder near the ear. (It runs down the side of the body.) The gall bladder connects to the liver at the feet. (The liver meridian runs up the mid-line of inner thighs and the side of the body.) The liver meridian connects back to the lung meridian. We are then back where we started.

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Lipitor vs. Zocor: What is good For Your condition and Your Wallet

Cpr Class - Lipitor vs. Zocor: What is good For Your condition and Your Wallet The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination Lipitor vs. Zocor: What is good For Your condition and Your Wallet. And the content associated with Cpr Class.

Do you know about - Lipitor vs. Zocor: What is good For Your condition and Your Wallet

Cpr Class! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

In the battle of cholesterol lowering medication, Lipitor has a commanding advantage in today's market. Lipitor is the world's estimate 1 selling drug. Agreeing to Usa Today, Lipitor's sales have risen .1 billion in the second quarter and are expecting to hit report high sales of 13 billion this year. The estimate 2 cholesterol fighting medication or "statin" in the industry is Zocor. Zocor has recently released a generic version of the anti-cholesterol drug in hopes to sway consumers to from Lipitor, and purchase their new, less high-priced product. But is Lipitor surely worth the extra money? We'll find out by comparing Lipitor's prices, results, and side effects to that of Zocor, the foremost competition in the statin industry.

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How is Lipitor vs. Zocor: What is good For Your condition and Your Wallet

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o Price

In the battle for price, Zocor's generic alternative Simvastatin dishes out the first blow. For 90, 10mg tablets it costs 5.97 Lipitor, and 9.97 for Zocor. And for 90, 40mg tablets it costs 2.00 for Lipitor compared to 8.00 for Zocor. The New York Times reports that "In many cases, they say, patients who now take the most commonly prescribed dosage of Lipitor - 10 milligrams daily - can sell out their cholesterol just as much with Zocor. Lipitor costs or more a day, while generic Zocor will probably cost 35 cents or less." The larger the dosage the more savings Zocor offers. If you order a large estimate of pills at a time, or you want a large dosage of the medication, you can save a reasonably large estimate of money. I give the edge in the price agency to Zocor.

o Results, Effectiveness

This category is very close as both drugs are very affective in reducing bad cholesterol (Ldl) and raising good cholesterol (Hdl). Both Lipitor and Zocor belong to the class of drugs known as "statins", which lower cholesterol by blocking the enzyme in the liver that produces bad cholesterol. In a up-to-date study done by Phizer the producer of Lipitor, it was found that Lipitor was no better at preventing major heart complications than its foremost competitor Zocor. any way Cbs found that "Lipitor outperformed Zocor on some fronts such as lowering cholesterol and preventing nonfatal heart attacks." In the category of effectiveness the edge goes to Lipitor.

o Side Effect

As with any designate medication, both Lipitor and Zocor have a small division of users that taste adverse side affects. Both have minimal side effects along with upset stomach, gas, heartburn, change of taste, diarrhea, constipation, skin rash, headache, dizziness or blurred vision that may occur the first few days as your body adjusts to the medication. any way in up-to-date clinical trails, it has been found that a rare muscle qoute has been connected to statin drugs, which includes both Lipitor and Zocor. An estimated 5 to10 percent of all patients using statins taste these adverse side affects of minor muscle soreness and loss of muscle strength. So in the final category of adverse side affects, it is a draw.

In the battle of the high cholesterol reducing medications I would go with Zocor. Zocor is almost just as sufficient as Lipitor but offers it for a much lower price. To order Zocor or Lipitor for even more savings, go to This website offers safe reliable sources to find medications such as Zocor and Lipitor at discount prices.

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risky Facts About performance improving Drugs

Cpr Classes - risky Facts About performance improving Drugs The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination risky Facts About performance improving Drugs. And the content related to Cpr Classes.

Do you know about - risky Facts About performance improving Drugs

Cpr Classes! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Performance enhancing drugs, as the name suggests, are typical drugs that can be taken for increasing one's performance. These drugs are basically steroids taken by athletes and sportsperson who are genuine professionals. Also, confident other hormonal drugs, including human increase hormone stimulants might also be regarded as operation enhancing drugs.

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How is risky Facts About performance improving Drugs

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These enhancers were first used by the Greeks in the old past and were ingested by participants of sporting events. But these drugs have any way been recognized as a threat and since the 20th century, confident technologies have been advanced for testing and screening athletes on a quarterly basis to find the presence of such drugs in their blood stream. These enhancers have been banned since then.

Performance enhancing drugs- the phrase, is just used to refer to confident anabolic steroids or their relevant precursors in general, but the world of anti-doping organizations have a broader article for these drugs. These typical enhancers have confident classes as well-

Stimulants: These drugs are used by athletes to heighten their operation in their singular fields and also stimulate the bodies to give their best performance. Stimulants can also help in increasing awareness, alertness and aggressiveness and decreasing fatigue. Some of the ordinarily used stimulants are Amphetamines and Caffeine.

Lean Mass Builders: These typical operation enhancers are used to amplify or as well drive the increase and amelioration of lean body mass and muscle. These can also help in reducing body fat. These belong to the kind of anabolic steroids and the ordinarily used ones are beta-2 agonists and several other human hormones, such as human increase hormones.

Sedatives: These enhancers are also used by athletes engaged in sports such as archery that demands a steady hand and also a exact aim. Sedatives help in coping up with nervousness and distress. Marijuana, Beta Blockers and alcohol are some of the common examples.

Painkillers: These drugs are very common and are used on a quarterly basis by the common mass as well. Athletes prefer using these drugs to mask their pain in order to allege their operation and capability to compete in unfavorable conditions. These drugs allow the blood pressure levels to soar up, thus supplying the body with ample quantity of vital oxygen to relief pain. Painkillers can be purchased over-the-counter and includes medicines such as Nsaids (acetaminophen and ibuprofen) and also confident prescribed narcotics.

Masking Drugs: These are rare drugs and are taken in order to preclude other classes of drugs from being detected. These drugs can evolve precisely fast almost similar to the methods of testing. Epitestosterone is the most ordinarily recognized development drug.

Diuretics: These drugs are used for expelling water out of athlete's bodies. Wrestlers have been using these drugs for long in order to meet the weight restrictions. Some of the stimulants are believed to have secondary diuretic effects.

Performance enhancers are normally taken as oral pills, though some injections are also available to be intravenously injected.

With the improved technologies and amelioration skills, the detection of operation enhancing drugs in an athlete's blood stream has come to be almost impossible. But preventive measures are still being taken and hopefully someday the World Anti-Doping branch will be able to bring this issue to an end.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Cpr Classes. Where you'll be able to put to use within your everyday life. And most of all, your reaction is Cpr Classes.Read more.. learn more here risky Facts About performance improving Drugs. View Related articles related to Cpr Classes. I Roll below. I actually have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share risky Facts About performance improving Drugs.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Why is Dance So Good For Children?

Cpr Class - Why is Dance So Good For Children? The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Why is Dance So Good For Children?. And the content associated with Cpr Class.

Do you know about - Why is Dance So Good For Children?

Cpr Class! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

In the last few years, there has been an explosion of dance across Britain thanks to shows such as 'Britain's Got Talent' and Bbc's 'Strictly Come Dancing'. Children and adults are more interested in dance than ever before and although they may not be the next Darcey Bussell or George Sampson they will have fun attending lessons and advantage immensely not just from the great condition benefits but from many the other advantages of dance that other activities may not have.

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How is Why is Dance So Good For Children?

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According to government reports, three in five children under ten years old are unbelievable to be overweight by 2050. Dance is an perfect all-round way to keep fit and healthy. Every style of dance builds stamina, flexibility, strength and co-ordination. It also helps children manufacture good posture and a distinct attitude to staying fit as it releases that fun, feel-good factor and gives an emotional high. Trust and self-esteem can also be built through the many performance opportunities that come with dance.

Attending a dance class is not just about staying fit - it is a collective networking opportunity too and much great than networking online in front of a computer! Children can make new friends in their dance class and increase collective skills through co-operating with others. Children will manufacture bonds of trust and speedily learn a code of courtesy within the class. The dance class can also supply a acquire and supportive environment where children can inspect their feelings and creativity over a common ground - dance.

Dancing involves using use both sides of your brain: one half for technique and control and the other for creativity and artistry. Dance can therefore increase brain productivity and children can increase their concentration spans.
Dance is also a 'subject' which requires discipline and motivation, key skills in lifelong learning.

Human's earliest means of transportation was through movement. Our bodies riposte with movement more instinctively than with words. Movement can convey any feelings and ideas. through dance, stories can be told and beliefs and emotions can be conveyed. Dance can also be used to widen a child's vocabulary as they come in caress with new words and ideas.

All forms of exercise enhance your blood circulation and enhance the flow of nutrients to your brain, allowing the brain to function at it's best.

Dance stands out as it requires both sides of the brain to be used; control and creativity. Skills requisite in every other subject taught at school:

'By providing rich and varied contexts for pupils to acquire, manufacture and apply a broad range of knowledge, understanding and skills, the curriculum should enable pupils to think creatively and critically, to solve problems and to make a distinction for the better. It should give them the opportunity to come to be creative, innovative, enterprising and capable of leadership to equip them for their future lives as workers and citizens.'
(National Curriculum)

So there you have it. Dance is So good for you, your kids, your fact everyone!

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How to (and How Not to) Sneeze and Blow Your Nose

No.1 Article of Cpr Classes In Ct

Sniffling, sneezing, coughing and blowing your nose probably seem like second nature to you -- and you likely don't put much view into any of these "natural" occurrences. But maybe you should.

It is no ifs ands or buts inherent to injure yourself from coughing and sneezing in an improper way, and how you blow your nose may affect the period of your illness.

Cpr Classes In Ct

When Sneezing and Coughing Turn Dangerous

How to (and How Not to) Sneeze and Blow Your Nose

Back injuries are one of the most tasteless "side effects" of sneezing and coughing. Baseball player Sammy Sosa knows this first-hand. Back in 2004 when he played for the Chicago Cubs, two sneezes sent his back into spasms, causing him to need a chair to sustain himself. The injury -- a sprained ligament in his lower back-- caused him to miss part of the season.

A vigorous coughing or sneezing charge can leave you with upper or lower back pain (or spasms) because of their forceful nature, not only on your entire torso but also on your abdomen. This pressure is so intense that it can no ifs ands or buts herniate a weakened spinal disc.

How to "A-Choo" Safely

Right before you sense a cough or sneeze coming on, take a few seconds to position your back correctly. Doing so will safe your back and help keep any existing pain to a minimum. Lean back slightly, placing a hand behind your back for support. When you sneeze or cough, bend your knees slightly. You can also (instead of above) stand up straight against a wall or door to keep your back from lurching send when you sneeze or cough.
Blowing Your Nose: Good or Bad?

Commonsense would tell us that blowing our noses while a cold would help remove some of the illness-causing bacteria or viruses contained in the mucus, thereby helping us to feel good faster. But it turns out this may not be entirely true.

According to Dr. Owen Hendley and a team of researchers from the University of Virginia and the University of Aarhus in Denmark, blowing your nose may no ifs ands or buts cause mucus to be propelled back into the sinus cavities.

Not surprisingly, blowing your nose creates a huge amount of pressure in the nose -- over seven times more pressure than is produced by sneezing or coughing.

The researchers settled an opaque dye into the rear nasal cavities of 10 study participants in order to resolve whether the fluid would enter the sinus cavities. Three of the volunteers were asked to cough, three were induced to sneeze and four blew their nose. After measuring the fluid's movement with a Ct scan, Hendley said:

"In the those who coughed or sneezed, there was no dye in any of the sinuses. And in all four of those who did the nose-blowing, there was dye in one or more of the sinuses ... With a nose blow, given the amount of pressure and how long it went on, you could move one milliliter of nasal mucus into the sinuses."

The problem with this, Hendley pointed out, is that "if you do propel mucus into your sinuses while a cold -- which I'm suspecting you would -- then not only is it mucus but it's mucus that's likely to contain bacteria, virus and may also contain mediators."

"It appears that it's quite likely that if you do blow your nose, then there's a inherent you could be worsening your cold," he said.

How to Correctly Blow Your Nose

Sometimes, though, the relief that comes from blowing your nose may be sufficient for you to risk a potentially longer cold duration. When you do blow your nose, there is a proper technique that can both minimize the risk of mucus traveling back up your sinuses and sell out your risk of injury.

When you reconsider that adults blow their noses an midpoint of 45 times a day while the first three days of a cold, proper technique could make all the difference. Blow your nose gently. Blowing too hard creates even more pressure that can force infectious mucus into your ears and sinuses. Avoid the "both-nostrils-open" blow. Instead ... Press a finger over one nostril. slowly blow your nose into a paper tissue straight through the one open nostril. Switch your finger to close the opposite nostril, and repeat. Although you will feel most "stuffed-up" when you first wake up (after lying flat all night), don't blow your nose immediately. It's best to wait five or 10 minutes after you've been sitting upright before doing so. Drink plentifulness of fluids. This will make it easier for mucus to be removed by blowing gently. Blowing your nose after taking a steamy shower can also help. Use paper tissues rather than cloth handkerchiefs. A used handkerchief is a breeding ground for germs -- and when you reuse it you're spreading those germs nearby your face and hands. Only use a paper tissue once, then throw it away. This minimizes the risk of putting germs back onto your face and hands. Wash your hands when you're finished, as germs from your nose and tissue will be transferred to your fingers while you blow.

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Monday, July 23, 2012

CEA Dental Community Outreach

#The Best CEA Dental Community Outreach.

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Infant CPR and First Aid! SureFire CPR Comes To You!

#The Best Infant CPR and First Aid! SureFire CPR Comes To You!.

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Do you need CPR Training?! We teach thousands of students each year and can train you in the comfort of your own home! Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, and Riverside CPR, BLS, and First Aid Classes! Call us today 888-277-3143
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Save A Life Week Aims To Expose At Least 3000 People To Hands-Only CPR

#The Best Save A Life Week Aims To Expose At Least 3000 People To Hands-Only CPR.

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Not back then, I presented the story. Useful. these days i am pleased to present Video on Cpr Classes San Diego. i would like it to dam my sisters. and therefore the public. info that is useful. with your friends. Save A Life Week Aims To Expose At Least 3000 People To Hands-Only CPR, which I even have seen this as an outstanding contribution. VDO is that the knowledge. The End. Judgment within the view. Save A Life Week Aims To Expose At Least 3000 People To Hands-Only CPR Video Clips. Duration : 1.02 Mins.

Las Vegas Fire & Rescue is teaming up with University Medical Center and the YMCA of Southern Nevada, to offer chest compression-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) awareness training during Save A Life Week, Nov. 13-20, at locations citywide. The free training takes 15 minutes and is open to all ages. Citizen CPR Foundation selected the city of Las Vegas to receive 500 CPR mannequins, which are making training stops throughout the country before arriving in San Diego for the National Emergency Cardiac Care meeting in December. CPR is one of the most important links in the American Heart Association's Chain of Survival that includes early 911, early CPR, early defibrillation and early advanced care. Victims who receive bystander CPR prior to emergency medical services arrival have an almost 300 percent increased chance of survival. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the life-saving procedure. Save A Life Week is a community awareness event, and does not include CPR certification. The event will include daily giveaways and raffles. Winners will be notified the week following the event. For more information, please visit, , or . Scheduled Save A Life training events include: • Saturday, Nov. 13, All city of Las Vegas Fire Stations, 10 am to Noon, 1 to 3 pm • Sunday, Nov. 14, Bill and Lillie Heinrich YMCA, 4141 Meadows Lane, 10 am to Noon, 1 to 3 pm • Monday, Nov. 15, East ...
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Penn State Board of Trustees Meeting (March 16, 2012)

1# Penn State Board of Trustees Meeting (March 16, 2012).

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The World's Oldest Performing Female Bodybuilder - Ernestine Shepherd

--Cpr Classes In Maryland of The World's Oldest Performing Female Bodybuilder - Ernestine Shepherd--

moved here The World's Oldest Performing Female Bodybuilder - Ernestine Shepherd

Baltimore, Maryland's Ernestine "Ernie" Shepherd, at age 73, is a certified personal trainer, expert model and competing all-natural bodybuilder. In March of 2010, on the stage of a television show in Rome, Italy, she was formally given the title of World's Oldest Performing Female Bodybuilder (by Guinness World Records).

The World's Oldest Performing Female Bodybuilder - Ernestine Shepherd

Not content to rest on her laurels, a incorporate of months later and less than two months shy of turning 74, Ernestine was back in the states and back on stage competing in the Capital Tournament of Champions bodybuilding contest. At this Musclemania competition she came in first place while competing in the Grand Masters agency (ages 55 and up) and took second in the farranging Lightweight Women's category.

What makes these accomplishments all the more impressive is that as late as her mid-fifties Ernestine was an out-of-shape, amply-padded school secretary who had never worked out a day in her life. A shopping trip with her sister, Velvet, to buy bathing suits changed all that; laughing at each other and looking the sad shape they were in, Ernestine and her sister decided to join a gym and started an rehearsal routine.

However, habitancy start rehearsal programs all the time, but they don't end up as bodybuilding champions and expert models. They don't construct a body with just 9 to 10% bodyfat as the 5 foot 5 inch, 130-pound Ernestine Shepherd has done. What made the difference?

First, shortly after they began their schedule of exercise, Ernestine's sister died unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm. Devastated, Ernestine stopped working out. After some time had passed, she was reminded by a friend that her sister would have wanted her to continue what they had started together. As a result, after a time of mourning, with renewed determination and dedication to get fit, she returned to the gym.

Here are some of the other factors that appear to have helped Ernestine Shepherd to result so thoroughly to transform her body, while so many others have failed.

She started gradually and built herself up gradually under the tutelage of a personal trainer; therefore, she's had no injuries (and few of the aches and pains typical of folks her age) in her 17 years of training. Ernestine made good food a priority. Her bodybuilding protein needs are met, for example, by relying heavily on egg whites (high in protein -- low in calories). Interestingly, the only nutritional supplement she takes is vitamin D. Her cardio needs were not neglected. Ernestine has a running / walking schedule which includes 10-mile runs and upwards of 80 miles per week when training to run a marathon. She also likes to run in local 5K (3.1 miles) and 10K (6.2 miles) races and set personal records in these events in the last incorporate of years. Ernestine seeks out scholar advice. When she decided to take up competing bodybuilding at age 71, she enlisted the services of an online training schedule to make sure she did it right. Seven months of sport-specific training later, in 2008, she competed at age 72 in her first bodybuilding contest and won first place in the Masters agency (45 and older) at the Natural East Cost Tournament of Champions Bodybuilding and frame Championships. She maintains a unavoidable attitude toward rehearsal and life in general. From her perspective, the daily workouts are not seen as work, but rather as a journey to best health and more energy.

Bodybuilding champion Ernestine Shepherd shows us that falling apart as we age truly is merely an selection -- Not a mandate! She is a role model not just for senior women everywhere, but for every one of us. We can thank Ernestine for showing us what is inherent as we age -- a more immature existence than we ever dared believe.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

The American Red Cross CPR Training at DCS

#The Best The American Red Cross CPR Training at DCS.

Good VDO of The American Red Cross CPR Training at DCS

Not back then, I presented the story. Useful. nowadays i am happy to gift Video on Cpr Classes San Diego. i would like it to dam my sisters. and also the public. information that's useful. along with your friends. The American Red Cross CPR Training at DCS, that I have seen this as an impressive contribution. VDO is the information. The End. Judgment within the read. The American Red Cross CPR Training at DCS Video Clips. Duration : 0.97 Mins.

Become a certified Health & Safety Instructor! Get free training from American Red Cross With materials and interpreter provided! Part I: Basic level CPR, AED, and First Aid Certification Part II: Fundamentals of Instructor Training Course Part III: Lay Responder Instructor Course ALL INCLUDED IN 40-HOUR TRAINING COURSE! Learn life-saving skills! Become an instructor — earn money! All for Free! Classes will be available during the evenings and weekends between May 10th and June 30th. Exact dates will be announced. Register soon! Register online or send an email to by May 5th, 2010 You will be contacted with further details via email. Reserve your seat now! Two ways to RVSP: Contact Front Desk: email - or VP - 866-947-8030 Register online:
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Classes Preparatoires - Cpr - Tanger - Tous avec Gaza - Contre israel (3)

### Cpr Classes - Classes Preparatoires - Cpr - Tanger - Tous avec Gaza - Contre israel (3).###
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How is Classes Preparatoires - Cpr - Tanger - Tous avec Gaza - Contre israel (3)

Classes Preparatoires - Cpr - Tanger - Tous avec Gaza - Contre israel (3) Tube. Duration : 4.47 Mins.

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I hope you have new knowledge about Cpr Classes . Where you may put to use in your evryday life. And just remember, your reaction is Cpr Classes . View Related articles associated with Cpr Classes . I Roll below. I actually have suggested my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Classes Preparatoires - Cpr - Tanger - Tous avec Gaza - Contre israel (3).

St. John's CPR Tutorial

1# St. John's CPR Tutorial.

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St. John's CPR Tutorial Video Clips. Duration : 1.27 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from my latest blog post Red Cross Cpr Classes. This is a short video tutorial on CPR according to St. John's Ambulance
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After we tend to got the knowledge about Cpr Classes In Maryland ago VDO, we are going to inspect the CPU PRESENTS CPR-AMAZING GRACE PROMO. I urge everyone to use judgment in the audience. A recent survey found that I have come upon CPU PRESENTS CPR-AMAZING GRACE PROMO. I saw that it absolutely was necessary for them to be revealed. If any errors. I apologize. If you are doing not wish to publish VDO. i am happy to be here. Thanks for a good VDO. see CPU PRESENTS CPR-AMAZING GRACE PROMO Video Clips. Duration : 1.72 Mins.

Pencils? Check. Notebooks? Check. Binder? Check. But there's one last thing you'll need before school's in session. Hear about this thing from people who can relate on August 5,2011 at the Interdenominational Church of God at 7pm. In May, we had CPR (Christ's People Resurrected). This event is the sequel. We're calling it CPR: Amazing GRACE (God's Redemption And Christ's Example). Everyone has a story. Come be a part of ours this August. Don't miss your chance to come to school fully prepared. We will need what God has to give us. Friday August 5, 2011 ICOG: Inter-Denominational Church of God 19201 Woodfield Road Gaithersburg, MD 20879
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CPR Certification Saves Lives! Man Survives After 96 Minutes of CPR!

#The Best CPR Certification Saves Lives! Man Survives After 96 Minutes of CPR!.

Good VDO of CPR Certification Saves Lives! Man Survives After 96 Minutes of CPR!

Not back then, I presented the story. Useful. today i'm happy to gift Video on Cpr Classes San Diego. i would like it to dam my sisters. and therefore the public. data that's helpful. with your friends. CPR Certification Saves Lives! Man Survives After 96 Minutes of CPR!, which I have seen this as an outstanding contribution. VDO is the knowledge. The End. Judgment in the read. CPR Certification Saves Lives! Man Survives After 96 Minutes of CPR! Video Clips. Duration : 2.90 Mins.

CPR Saves Lives! Visit! Check out this great video about a town that came together to save one of their own! They performed CPR for 96 minutes on him and saved his life. Video from Need CPR or First AId Training in Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, or the Riverside area? We also provide onsite training!Call SureFire CPR today! 888-277-3143.
from this source associated with Cpr Classes San Diego. I Roll below. I have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share CPR Certification Saves Lives! Man Survives After 96 Minutes of CPR!.
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Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Student's Campaign to Save with CPR

1# A Student's Campaign to Save with CPR.

VDO of A Student's Campaign to Save with CPR

A Student's Campaign to Save with CPR Video Clips. Duration : 2.12 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from what is it worth Red Cross Cpr Classes. After two of her friends died from heart failure, Duke University student Natasha Gupta began training others in CPR. Learn more at
View Related articles related to Red Cross Cpr Classes. I Roll below. I actually have suggested my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share A Student's Campaign to Save with CPR.

UC San Diego Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center + "CPR Across Am

#The Best UC San Diego Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center + "CPR Across Am.

Good VDO of UC San Diego Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center + "CPR Across Am

Not earlier, I presented the story. Useful. these days i'm pleased to present Video on Cpr Classes San Diego. i want it to block my sisters. and therefore the public. info that's helpful. together with your friends. UC San Diego Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center + "CPR Across Am, that I actually have seen this as an impressive contribution. VDO is that the knowledge. The End. Judgment within the view. UC San Diego Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center + "CPR Across Am Tube. Duration : 2.82 Mins.

Created on December 7, 2010 using FlipShare. On Sunday, December 5, 2010, experts from UC San Diego Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center participated in "CPR Across America," a mass, multi-city training event that has traveled from the East Coast to the West Coast, ending here in San Diego, on the deck of the USS Midway. The national campaign was created to motivate people to learn CPR. As part of the 50th anniversary celebration of CPR, the goal is to train 10 percent of the US population in CPR within the next 2 years. Peggy Flemming- US Gold Medalist, was the spokesperson for the event. Dr. Jim Dunford -- retired UCSD professor of emergency medicine and current Medical Director for the city of San Diego -- participated, along with Dr. Ori Ben-Yehuda, professor of medicine and Director of the Coronary Care Unit at UC San Diego Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center
had me going associated with Cpr Classes San Diego. I Roll below. I actually have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share UC San Diego Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center + "CPR Across Am.
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EMS Consulting: Marketing & Promotional ideas for EMS & Fire Dept.

#The Best EMS Consulting: Marketing & Promotional ideas for EMS & Fire Dept..

Good VDO of EMS Consulting: Marketing & Promotional ideas for EMS & Fire Dept.

Not some time past, I presented the story. Useful. these days i'm happy to present Video on Cpr Classes In Ct. i want it to block my sisters. and also the public. info that's useful. with your friends. EMS Consulting: Marketing & Promotional ideas for EMS & Fire Dept., that I even have seen this as an impressive contribution. VDO is that the information. The End. Judgment within the read. EMS Consulting: Marketing & Promotional ideas for EMS & Fire Dept. Video Clips. Duration : 3.17 Mins. EMS Consulting, EMS Consultant, Ambulance Consulting - According to research, 90% of all fire departments and emergency medical service agencies do a horrible job of marketing and promoting themselves. We've been actively involved in the emergency services industry for more than 30 years and we've also run a number of successful non-EMS businesses spanning almost 25 years. Because of these two facts, we are uniquely qualified to help you overcome the very special marketing and promotional challenges that emergency service providers face. We also know that you're pressed for we've written a special report for the do-it-yourself crowd and created a collection of done-for-you marketing services for everyone else. Agency brochures & promotional pieces Do you have an up to date promotional brochure showcasing your equipment, personnel, providing important information about services, website that can also be used as a recruitment tool? Website design and hosting Speaking of you have one? Is it current? Does it contain training schedules, public event information, first aid and CPR information? Can you use it for recruitment, staff scheduling? Can you even make changes to it easily or are you tied to a webmaster that's hard to reach and even harder to deal with. We understand EMS and the Fire service AND we "Speak geek..." Social media build out and training Are you on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter? Have you thought about using ...
at Bing related to Cpr Classes In Ct. I Roll below. I even have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share EMS Consulting: Marketing & Promotional ideas for EMS & Fire Dept..
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Occupational Safety

### Cpr Classes - Occupational Safety.###
The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination Occupational Safety.

Do you know about - Occupational Safety

Cpr Classes ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Cpr Classes . You read this article for information on that want to know is Cpr Classes .

How is Occupational Safety

Occupational Safety Tube. Duration : 2.15 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from continue reading this Cpr Classes . Safety Center offers top quality workplace safety training throughout California, at our campus in Sacramento and in Southern California or at your place of business. We cover all types of safety training. We offer training for safety professionals (Certified Safety Management Specialist (CSMS) series of classes plus certification.) We offer hands-on classes including Confined Space Rescue and Competent Person Excavation and train-the-trainer classes including Forklift Instructor and CPR Instructor. We also offer Cal/OSHA classes for construction, general industry and agriculture as well as Fed/OSHA 10 & 30.
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DCS News Updated

#The Best DCS News Updated.

Good VDO of DCS News Updated

Not earlier, I presented the story. Useful. these days i'm happy to gift Video on Cpr Classes San Diego. i need it to block my sisters. and also the public. data that is helpful. along with your friends. DCS News Updated, that I even have seen this as an excellent contribution. VDO is the information. The End. Judgment in the view. DCS News Updated Tube. Duration : 4.10 Mins.

IAD Update on Deaf Community Services
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Friday, July 20, 2012

Stayin' Alive - AHA - CPR 3G - American Heart Classes.flv

### Cpr Classes - Stayin' Alive - AHA - CPR 3G - American Heart Classes.flv.###
The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Stayin' Alive - AHA - CPR 3G - American Heart Classes.flv.

Do you know about - Stayin' Alive - AHA - CPR 3G - American Heart Classes.flv

Cpr Classes ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Cpr Classes . You see this article for information about anyone need to know is Cpr Classes .

How is Stayin' Alive - AHA - CPR 3G - American Heart Classes.flv

Stayin' Alive - AHA - CPR 3G - American Heart Classes.flv Tube. Duration : 1.32 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from official statement Cpr Classes . ACLS, PALS, ECG, VENTILATOR, BLS, CPR, NRP, STABLE Certification- Granada Hills, Los Angeles. (818) 694-7427
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CPR Plus Introduction

### Cpr Classes - CPR Plus Introduction.###
The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination CPR Plus Introduction.

Do you know about - CPR Plus Introduction

Cpr Classes ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Cpr Classes . You read this article for information about an individual wish to know is Cpr Classes .

How is CPR Plus Introduction

CPR Plus Introduction Tube. Duration : 2.35 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from weblink Cpr Classes . CPR Plus is an on-site training company serving the St. Louis Metro area. Owner Stacy Graff talks a bit about the courses offered by CPR Plus.
I hope you have new knowledge about Cpr Classes . Where you can put to utilization in your day-to-day life. And most of all, your reaction is Cpr Classes . View Related articles related to Cpr Classes . I Roll below. I have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share CPR Plus Introduction.

Learn CPR At Home

1# Learn CPR At Home.

VDO of Learn CPR At Home

After we got the data about Cpr Classes In Maryland ago VDO, we'll check up on the Learn CPR At Home. I urge everybody to use judgment in the audience. A recent survey found that I have encounter Learn CPR At Home. I saw that it absolutely was important for them to be published. If any errors. I apologize. If you are doing not need to publish VDO. i'm happy to be here. Thanks for a good VDO. read this post here Learn CPR At Home Tube. Duration : 2.18 Mins.

This visit describes two American Heart Association CPR home learning kits, one for infants, and one for adults and children. Both kits can be ordered online.
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Heal Your Own Tendinitis

Cpr Class - Heal Your Own Tendinitis
The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination Heal Your Own Tendinitis. And the content related to Cpr Class.

Do you know about - Heal Your Own Tendinitis

Cpr Class! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Tendinitis is scar tissue. The tendon was torn slightly-not torn in half, just some of the fibers broken. One way that tendons tear is overuse in one repetitive motion (anything from tennis to keyboarding). Tendons will also tear from a one-time blow (a fall or car accident). Sometimes both happen at once; while vacuuming, you fatigue the biceps tendon and then you might unexpectedly bump the vacuum into a table leg.

What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Cpr Class. You see this article for home elevators an individual wish to know is Cpr Class.

How is Heal Your Own Tendinitis

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Cpr Class.

How do you know if you have tendinitis? Only a physician may diagnose you, but here are some signs and symptoms. Does one particular action cause pain? With tendinitis, refraining from that and similar activities reduces the pain in a week or two, and the pain may go away altogether if you fully stop the activity. Just because the pain is gone does not mean you are cured-the scar tissue is still there. And who wants to go straight through their whole life avoiding activities?

Imagine a violin bow, made of long parallel horse hairs that are pulled into one thick strand. dream this bow frays in the middle, and to repair it, you glue a cotton ball to it. Would you expect this to be a permanent solution? The next time you tried to strum the violin with the bow, the cotton ball would thump across the strings every stroke. Like the bow, tendon fibers are parallel, and like cotton, scar tissue fibers are randomly directed, with a glue substance between. Scar tissue creates a lump. Even though the lump is smaller than a grain of rice, it rubs on other tissues every time you move the joint. That hurts! What's worse, random fiber direction does not have the tensile compel of parallel fibers. Which means, that no matter how long you rest from tendinitis, the next time you give a 100% endeavor (swinging a racket with full force, or typing for ten hours), that scar tissue will tear again, as bad as the first time.

The solution is to mechanically take off the excess scar tissue.

One system I learned at the Brian Utting School of Massage comes from The British Dr. James Cyriax. Rubbing the scar tissue perpendicular to the tendon fibers, breaks only those scar fibers that happen to lie perpendicular to the tendon, but only strums those fibers that happen to be parallel. After applying "cross fiber friction" a whole of weeks, the remaining unbroken scar tissue lies flat with the tendon. Because those fibers left unbroken are the fibers that lie parallel with the tendon, the scar tissue possesses 100% of the customary tendon strength. The textbook medicine includes two minutes of cross-fiber conflict as hard as you can stand, tears coming to your eyes. This would be done no more than two or three times a week, followed by ice. I used this formula on many habitancy but found they wouldn't continue treatment-it hurts too much. So instead of painful rubbing, I now use an Ice Cup. Since I switched to ice medicine instead, I find many more habitancy lasting their medicine at home.

Ice is like magic!

How To Treat Your Own Tendinitis:

Put water in your freezer now, so it will be ready tomorrow morning. Ice the water in a slight yogurt cup or 6-8 oz. Paper cup. Tomorrow, when the ice is ready, pop the ice out of the cup and hold it with a hand towel, to catch the drips. Use not the flat surface, but the edge of the ice to saw perpendicular across the tendon at the exact site of tiny scar tissue lesion. Chill an area no larger than the size of a dime.

Ice yourself no longer than five minutes (watch a clock or set a timer!) or until numbness, whichever comes first. (You may check for paralysis by removing the ice, dragging a finger lightly over the area to see if you can still feel it.) If you ice more than five minutes, you will give yourself frostbite-I have done this to myself and believe me, you don't want frostbite. Ice only for five minutes. When the feeling comes back in about five more minutes, you may ice again. You could ice up to six times over one hour while you watch a Tv show.

Yes, it must be a cup! An ice bag or gel pack will not work; the cold is spread over too large an area, and the tiny spot that needs it does not get cold enough, the melting water maintains 32 degrees. An ice cup maintains a larger thermal mass the same as your freezer, maybe ten degrees below zero. The edge of the cup applies the cold to a much smaller point. Besides, your whole body will shiver if you chill a large area. You will hardly observation the cold if you only chill the size of a dime. You could even sit in a hot tub or warm bath while you ice the limb.

Ice at least once a day, until your pain is gone and your compel is back to 100%.

How does it work? Ice threatens to Ice the cells to death. The body wants all the cells to live so it sends lots of fresh, warm blood to the area. This flushing supervene washes away the scar tissue, so I call it "the erosion effect." Second, blood brings macrophages. Macrophages are very large white blood cells who entirely surround a piece of scar tissue and haul it off to the liver or spleen for processing. A inescapable division of white blood cells are gift in all blood, so the more blood you can rush past the scar tissue, the more macrophages will "see" the scar tissue. That is why we chill only the size of a dime, to narrow the focus where all these macrophages will arrive and all this erosion will occur.

How long will it take to be cured? You won't believe the results if you ice at least once per day.

Here is the small print-it may be difficult for you to find the exact spot of the scar tissue lesion. The lump is not all the time large enough to feel, it could be as small as a grain of salt. Some habitancy can point exactly where the spot is, but most feel it as a shifty, vague location.

If you can't find the exact spot, check out an anatomy book from the library. Likely places for tendinitis pain are:

front of the shoulder (subscapularis and/or biceps), top of the shoulder (supraspinatus), back of the shoulder (infraspinatus and/or triceps), wrist (extensor digitorum upper attachment near elbow), sits bone (hamstrings), bottom of foot (inner or outer curve of heel plantar fascia) groin (pectineus) front of hip (psoas or Tensor Fascia Latte) knee (just above or below patella)

While seeing at the anatomy book pictures, realize that the most likely places for tendinitis are 1) where the tendon attaches to the bone, and 2) where the reddish muscle turns into the yellowish tendon. One hurdle is, that you feel pain "distal," or farther from the brain, than the real injury. If all you have is a vague sense of the location, try poking the nearest tendon and following it "upstream" until you find the pain source. In roughly all cases, habitancy don't realize there is one tiny painful spot until we begin poking the tendons.

How do you know you've found it?

"Ow, that's It, you're exactly On it!"

Even when you think you are right on it, move around in very small increments in each direction, playing a game of "warmer, colder" to zero-in on the maximum pain spot. This is the scar tissue lesion you will ice for five minutes.

If you can't find it yourself, quest around for a therapist who knows anatomy well. Unfortunately, only a small percent of therapists and Doctors were ever trained to contact where tendons join with bones and muscles. Call a few and ask them if they can help you find the exact location of a tendinitis lesion. Go at least once and bring a permanent ticket so they can put a dot over the lesion. This way you can find it again when you get home, to do your daily home icing. If the pain is somewhere you can't reach, like the back of your shoulder, this dot will help your spouse or friend to ice you daily at home.

This article is not intended to furnish you with a diagnosis-only a physician can diagnose you. That said, no harm will come to you from icing parts of your body, so give it a try! Sometimes a person who has been diagnosed with "carpal tunnel syndrome" feels relief after icing the flexor and extensor tendons at the elbow. In every case of "plantar fascitis" that I have seen, the person improved when we addressed scar tissue lesions on the bottom of the heel.

The purpose of pain is to help you learn to do something differently. How did this scar tissue occur in the first place? Icing the lesion will make it go away, but you still need to change something about the way you do this activity, so you don't originate a new lesion.

My sincere intention is that you are empowered to heal yourself of this long-nagging pain, and that you make changes for a happier future. Happy Frosting!

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Cpr Class. Where you may put to use within your day-to-day life. And most significantly, your reaction is Cpr Class.Read more.. recommended you read Heal Your Own Tendinitis. View Related articles associated with Cpr Class. I Roll below. I have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Heal Your Own Tendinitis.

Swim Lessons, Swimming Lessons in San Diego CA 92110

#The Best Swim Lessons, Swimming Lessons in San Diego CA 92110.

Good VDO of Swim Lessons, Swimming Lessons in San Diego CA 92110

Not back then, I presented the story. Useful. these days i am happy to present Video on Cpr Classes San Diego. i need it to dam my sisters. and also the public. data that is useful. along with your friends. Swim Lessons, Swimming Lessons in San Diego CA 92110, which I actually have seen this as an outstanding contribution. VDO is the knowledge. The End. Judgment in the read. Swim Lessons, Swimming Lessons in San Diego CA 92110 Video Clips. Duration : 0.72 Mins.

Since 1991, thousands of children throughout all of Southern California have learned to swim from WSI and CPR-certified instructors trained with the AquaSafe teaching method. Private and semi-private lessons are taught by friendly, professional instructors who make swimming fun! Whether teaching water-safety, basic swim skills or advanced technique, our instructors will make sure your child's swimming session is as productive as possible! We also offer private lessons to adults. It's never to late to learn to swim!
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Thursday, July 19, 2012


### Cpr Classes - AED and CPR.###
The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination AED and CPR.

Do you know about - AED and CPR

Cpr Classes ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Cpr Classes . You check this out article for information on an individual wish to know is Cpr Classes .

How is AED and CPR

AED and CPR Video Clips. Duration : 3.52 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Cpr Classes . IBEW job tip can save a life.
I hope you receive new knowledge about Cpr Classes . Where you'll be able to put to used in your day-to-day life. And most significantly, your reaction is Cpr Classes . View Related articles related to Cpr Classes . I Roll below. I even have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share AED and CPR.

You Can Be a Hero by studying Cpr

Cpr Classes - You Can Be a Hero by studying Cpr
The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination You Can Be a Hero by studying Cpr. And the content associated with Cpr Classes.

Do you know about - You Can Be a Hero by studying Cpr

Cpr Classes! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Cardio pulmonary resuscitation is something that can prove to be quite an prominent thing for you to learn. If you are planning to learn Cpr, you can be a life saver when needed. You need to get hold of a good Cpr training program.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Cpr Classes. You look at this article for home elevators anyone wish to know is Cpr Classes.

How is You Can Be a Hero by studying Cpr

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Cpr Classes.

You can learn this life rescue technique and be the hero in need. Let us look into this issue more intimately to understand the importance of cardio pulmonary resuscitation even better.

What is Cpr?

Cpr can be a skill that can help you save a heart inpatient under a cardiac arrest. This course is opted for when a inpatient experiences a heart attack, where the heart stops responding and ceases to breathe.

If administered properly, it can make the heart start working again, and therefore save the patient's life. Even though this seems to be a solution to a complex medical problem, it is something that you can learn as well.

However to learn Cpr in the best possible way, you must understand that uncomplicated theoretical knowledge is not enough. You may read about heart attacks and cardio pulmonary resuscitation over and over again, but it may not prove to be as productive as it needs to be to save someone's life.

For this, practical Cpr training with highly graphic Cpr instructions is necessary.

The incompatibility in a Real Life Situation

Consider yourself going straight through some ideas associated to Cpr while you are sitting at home or a basic condition and safety class. You may learn quite a bit from such a program. However, under a real life situation things will be different.

People will panic, and it will be an accident situation. You need to have more than theoretical knowledge for it. If you could get real time Cpr instructions then and there, it can be much more helpful.

Therefore if you are planning on taking on a course to learn Cpr, make sure the course offers you sufficient practical experience, and also tells you how to cope with the stress and panic under such a situation.

This will let you know how to act in the best possible way to save the day and be the hero. You can also opt for an online training course, if the course can supply you with all that is needed.

Finally, you can also get applications downloaded on your mobile phone if you own an iPhone or a Blackberry. A few companies have come up with great training programs that you can buy and download online.

Choose the platform according to your phone, and download the Cpr training course from iTunes store or Blackberry store.

Therefore it may be a great thing to learn Cpr if you go for it in the most productive way. Be the hero by equipping yourself with the right skills, or download the training programs on your mobile phone to get instructions on the spot under an accident situation!

I hope you get new knowledge about Cpr Classes. Where you may offer use within your everyday life. And most importantly, your reaction is Cpr Classes.Read more.. You Can Be a Hero by studying Cpr. View Related articles associated with Cpr Classes. I Roll below. I have recommended my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share You Can Be a Hero by studying Cpr.

Diabetic Emergency: Recognizing and Responding

#1. Diabetic Emergency: Recognizing and Responding

Diabetic Emergency: Recognizing and Responding

Responding to a diabetic accident is not complicated, however, diabetic emergencies can be deadly if untreated. Fortunately, most diabetics are well informed about their disease and know when and how to take action. For example, a good friend of mine who is diabetic was directing me in a play rehearsal when she suddenly started slurring her words. She then blurted out, "Get me juice!" Luckily, some was ready and within seconds of drinking it her condition started to improve.

Diabetic Emergency: Recognizing and Responding

If you calculate someone is having a diabetic emergency, ask the someone if you can help them. Ask if they are diabetic and whether they are having a diabetic emergency. Most diabetics will tell you what they need. If they are unable to impart with you, but conscious, check to see if they have a medical alert tag. These tags can tell you if the someone is diabetic.

Once you have established that the someone is having a diabetic emergency, have them consume something with sugar in it, preferably in liquid form. Juice, soda, or water mixed with sugar are good choices. Do not give them diet soda - this has no sugar. If no liquid form of sugar is available, candy is a good choice.

Hypoglycemia - low blood sugar - is often the cause of diabetic emergencies. Giving a hypoglycemic diabetic sugar will ordinarily heighten their condition quickly. Do not worry about giving sugar to a diabetic who is suffering from high sugar levels -- called hyperglycemia. Giving a hyperglycemic diabetic sugar will not make their condition worse.

After a diabetic consumes sugar, their condition should heighten quickly. If their condition doesn't heighten within five minutes, call 911.

If a diabetic someone becomes unconscious do not try to put food or liquid in their mouth. Call 911. If you know Cpr, check for breathing and take the appropriate steps with the conditions you find.

I recommend that everyone take an American Heart association or American Red Cross Cpr class, but if you live or work with a diabetic, you should know how to accomplish Cpr.

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