Thursday, July 19, 2012

Diabetic Emergency: Recognizing and Responding

#1. Diabetic Emergency: Recognizing and Responding

Diabetic Emergency: Recognizing and Responding

Responding to a diabetic accident is not complicated, however, diabetic emergencies can be deadly if untreated. Fortunately, most diabetics are well informed about their disease and know when and how to take action. For example, a good friend of mine who is diabetic was directing me in a play rehearsal when she suddenly started slurring her words. She then blurted out, "Get me juice!" Luckily, some was ready and within seconds of drinking it her condition started to improve.

Diabetic Emergency: Recognizing and Responding

If you calculate someone is having a diabetic emergency, ask the someone if you can help them. Ask if they are diabetic and whether they are having a diabetic emergency. Most diabetics will tell you what they need. If they are unable to impart with you, but conscious, check to see if they have a medical alert tag. These tags can tell you if the someone is diabetic.

Once you have established that the someone is having a diabetic emergency, have them consume something with sugar in it, preferably in liquid form. Juice, soda, or water mixed with sugar are good choices. Do not give them diet soda - this has no sugar. If no liquid form of sugar is available, candy is a good choice.

Hypoglycemia - low blood sugar - is often the cause of diabetic emergencies. Giving a hypoglycemic diabetic sugar will ordinarily heighten their condition quickly. Do not worry about giving sugar to a diabetic who is suffering from high sugar levels -- called hyperglycemia. Giving a hyperglycemic diabetic sugar will not make their condition worse.

After a diabetic consumes sugar, their condition should heighten quickly. If their condition doesn't heighten within five minutes, call 911.

If a diabetic someone becomes unconscious do not try to put food or liquid in their mouth. Call 911. If you know Cpr, check for breathing and take the appropriate steps with the conditions you find.

I recommend that everyone take an American Heart association or American Red Cross Cpr class, but if you live or work with a diabetic, you should know how to accomplish Cpr.

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